Placing a tiny red ember into your perfectly constructed nest of tinder, you gently blow across it hoping for a spark.
Seemingly out of nowhere it ignites, into a fragile but brilliant flame. As it consumes its nest, kindling is gently added to encourage its progress.
Moving up to twigs and branches the fire now demands constent attention, selfishly consuming everything in its path.
You add some larger logs to give the fire a solid foundation to blaze from. Sitting back for a moment to enjoy your creation. Observing how the brilliant amber flames illuminate the darkness and warm the hearts of those nearby.

Flickering flames continue to dance across the foundation you haphazardly laid. You tend to the fire, being mindful
The fire now settles into a consistent but chaotic dance. Self-sufficient now needing only the occasional new log to keep it burning bright.
As the last of the wood is consumed the fire burns down becoming more tame. The light draws inward, from which it came, as everyone draws closer to watch its’ final flame.
A glowing sea of red coals is all that remains, sprung from a single tiny ember and it’s

The watchers reluctantly depart, as the last smouldering coal rejoins the darkness from which it began. The history of their fire marked on this spot, until the next ember blazes into a new
To my
son Aiden, may your flame burn bright. Love Dad.
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